Orkut Myspace Welcome Scraps, Graphics and Comments

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sabtu yang Ceria n Fun - part 2 - Small Gathering BYJ

Ini lanjutan cerita yang hari Sabtu kemaren
Busyet deh, ini udah hari apa nich, hr Selasa ...
Critaan hari Sabtu ditulis sekrang lagi ...
gimana sih, males banget yach ......

Well, ini critaan gw yang udah sempet gw post di biasalah, di hotel ..
Gw paste aza deh n add dikit2 ntar kalo perlu ...

Saturday, January 22nd, 2005
13.00 WIB
This gathering is limited to BIF member only,since it is held in one of BIF house ... There are about 20 people I think who attended this gathering .... there are some new members i haven't seen before .... I got there around one o'clock ... most friends already got there .... As usual, do the chit chat now and there .... about Yong Joon oppa , of course ....
Mrs. Donna, she tell us about a story how she got the "Image - BYJ" .. Her 83 years old mom went to Korea ... in Seoul, her mom met with one of Inneke's friend ... and her friend bring her to BOF, BYJ's office .... Unfortunately, BYJ wasn't there at that time I was giggling while imagining her mom bought and carried 3 set of "The Image" -- of course, the "order list from her daughter" ..... hehehe .....
Anyway, the chit chat still going on, while snacking and waiting for Iyan to come ..... We started to make 3 groups ... since there are 3 books of "The Image" .... and each group started to see the book ....
For the start, Merli got an announcement to make .... She hold her book high, and showed us, that her book get signed by Oppa .... and there is written notes saying "Dear Merli" (i think that's the written handwriting) .... everybody cheering for her, of course, I asked her, how come she can get the special one.... She said, she got it from Tiffany .... (Does your book have a special note from oppa, too, Tiff) ....
Iyan came in bringing another set of "The Image" ...... Pages after pages are opened with extra careful and extra handling, we even open the pages with one hand holding tissues, so it won't get dirty by the finger prints ... .... of course, when the very special n gorgeous page is opened, we scream a bit ... hehehe ... There is gorgeous pict of BYJ sleeping ... (my favorite from the traveller's book) ..... he looks soo sexy in that pose .... Actually this is the second time, I see the Image .... but of course, one can't get bored of looking oppa ....
After we look at the two books, started to play the DVD ... i think, that was from Iyan's dvd ..... We watched the making of Image --- and again, scream a little bit now and there .... Until it finished, then everybody started to go home one by one ....
I still stay there for a while longer since it's been a while that I met and talked to them .... It was only left 5 persons I think .... We talked again about BYJ .... and some other K-drama and K-actors like Lee Dong Gun and LIP and Sweet 18 ......hehehe .... Talking about the possibility of Yong Joon oppa having another Launching of his new "Going Out" ... maybe in Singapore again .... hopefully, can go to see him like the last time .... We were planning on going to the Mall nearby , but then we decided to just talk there in the house ... after 1 hour or so, everybody include me go back home ... While we talk, Inneke played the vcd of Symphaty .....
Going home with the Pocketbook of BYJ , which is very attractive in color , look fresh (get from Inneke) .... and a 2005 BYJ Calendar (get from Inda) and some BYJ old photos ... hehehe .... and the LIP ost from Iyan (from Melvin, actually) .... Btw, in Indonesia, whoever who wants to order "The Image" can order via My Idol Shop ... it cost Rp 1,600,000,- .....

hhmm .... BYJ fans di Indo ini, pada setia2 banget yach ama BYJ ... liat aza tuh, harga pictorial semahal iitu aza tetep dibeli .... Gw ampe rumah, crita donk , of course, baru seru2nya crita ttg buku BYJ "The Image", udah langsung tuh diwarning dulu ....Awas, yach, kalo loe beli2 segala ... Padahal gw juga belom ngomong apa2an, belom tentu juga gw pengen beli .... Jadi sebel aza ....
Padahal yg laen pada ngebelain ke Korea segala, ikutan launching bukunya waktu di Seoul , dimana tuh, waktu itu, lupa banget .... Yah, Suan Le ... biar aza deh, untung madness BYJ gw sekarang udah gak terlalu kayak dulu lagi ..... bisa dibayangin kalo masih kayak dulu, apa2 ttg BYJ maunya jadi the first timer ,..... bisa2 udah pergi Seoul sendiri bulan kapan itu ....

Ngefans artis dari negeri sendiri, sedikit banyak lebih murah .
Ini nich contohnya ...harga CD nya penyanyi Indonesia aza cuman antara 35-40rb ...
Mo lebih murah lagi , cari kasetnya aza ...pasti masih ada khan ....
Nah, kalo yg dari luar, CDnya udah pasti import --- rata2 sekarang udah Rp 120-150rb...
Perbedaanya khan .... liat aza .... belom lagi, utk dapetinnya, kadang harus cari di Sing or Hongkong ...
Untuk film juga gitu , kalo pengen yg DVD original yg ada English subtitle, rata2 harus cari di Hongkong or Sing... Sekarang sih bener2 deh mikir2 dulu ah, kalo kemana2 cuman nyari2 gitu doank ...sayang booo uangnya .
Kalo pengen ketemu artisnya, juga gak perlu lari ke Sing dulu khan kayak kalo mo ketemu BYJ and Alec Su tempo kapan tuh, musti ke Sing dulu ...heheheh ....
Kesimpulannya, kalo mo ngefans, ngefans artis lokal aza kali yee ....Lebih murah .... cuman gak tau deh maslah personality , sama2 baek n ramahnya gak tuh artis2 sini .... Delon aza kadang2 suka moody gitu , untung kalo pas gw liat , pas gak pernah moody, kalo gak, gw pasti jadi kecewa berat deh ....

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