Orkut Myspace Welcome Scraps, Graphics and Comments

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Kali ini beda dengan yang previous .....
Yang ringan-ringan aza deh ,
keberatan otak gw mikir yg too serious gitu......hehehe

But as a matter of fact , eventhough it is a very light n small thing,
I consider it as a Very Sweet and Caring Thought of him ...
About something that I asked my friend previously,
this is what she said .......

Bec, about that, he can't give you one.......
But if you want, you can give him your info
and maybe , just maybe (judulnya "who knows" or "siapa tau")

IF (BIG IF) he is the good mood, or whateverlah......
he maybe will give you a call ......
and if this happen , this friend also give a suggestion,
can probably make an appointment to meet .....
Gw spontan deh denger ini langsung ngakak gede2 gitu........
This is LUCU, HILARIOUS but also RIDICULOUS ......
Ada- ada aza gw pikir ....... 

But in a way, when I thought about it,
it is also a Sweet and Caring thought of him .......
Bener gak yach .....
Bener ato tidaknya pemikiran dia ini, sih masalah kedua kali yach ......
tapi yach, sekedar Sweet thought aza ...
Ga pa pa khan dibilang gitu ........
gw ini bener2 udah berpindah haluan yach ......
hati gw udah berpindah kali yach ......
but just to be sure, I'd better stay outside the ring of boxing arena .....
otherwise I will get punched someday ........
and of course, I don't want to be hurt by the punch , right ????????

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