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Sunday, August 21, 2005


ADA band By REQuest di SCTV
Saturday Night, August 20 ' 2005
22.00 - 23.30 WIB

I intend to tape this special moment, but as for my old VCR not cooperating well today, such a disappointment becoz I know this is a Once in a Lifetime Moment for me watching Exclusive with ADA band in tv ... Hopefully, there are more coming, though ... Siggh ... maybe, I should buy that DVD which has TV Tuner inside. and this thing still expensive.

Sebelum jam 10, gw udah sms untuk Request lagu "Setengah Hati". Tentu aja lagu ini yang gw request bcoz lagu ini emang My Number One Favorit of album "Heaven of Love". Lagu ini dalem banget lyricnya, Donnie nyanyi lagu ini juga pastinya TOP punya. Sama gw sms satu lagi untuk lagu "MASIH" -- yah lagu ini biarpun klise, tapi setiap kali dengerin gak Pernah Bosen tuh telinga gw, soalnya lagu ini juga termasuk salah satu lagu yang Abadi kali yee.

Anyway, Pertama gw Thank U Banget untuk SCTV yang udah ngadain "ADA band By REquest" -- Around 90 minutes EXCLUSIVE with ADA band .... Soo Cool banget Khan!!! Moment ini biarpun gw gak hadir di Studio, tapi tetep Berasa Special Banget. Plus Iklannya juga gak terlalu Banyak, so We can Enjoy ADA band Longer and feel their absolute Present this night.

"By Request" by SCTV is the programme where everybody can ask their request songs of the particular Guest Star Singer/BAnd via sms - mobile phone, plus we can wrote down any comments on ADA band. This programme not Only show the Live performance of the Group Band but also show Some of the Favorites Music Video Clips from ADA band, and in every break they Receive Callers from Fans who wants to talk or ask questions to whoever they want. and a little bit interview from the MC to all personnel of the Band. So, overall, it is a very Exclusive and Attractive Programme.

Opening with "Kau Auraku" -- Donnie, ADA band wear semi jas, with t-shirt inside. Like usual, Donnie always look Very Handsome. MC of the "ADA band By REQuest", si cerewet Astrid Tiar. "Kau Auraku" followed by Music Video Clip of "Manja".

Astrid tanya ke Donnie kenapa sih Donnie dibilang ganteng malah minder. Donnie jawabnya santai aja, dia bilang, Ganteng gak, tapi tampan ... hahaha .... sama aja khan ... Ada yang tanya, Donnie dah punya pacar belum, tentu aja dijawab belum ama Donnie. Astrid nimpalin, wah kalo mo jadi ceweknya Donnie, syarat nya apa sih ... pertama Donnie jawab Yang penting Hatinya Baik ... eee, lanjut lagi, dia bilang, kalo gak salah dia bilang trus "Mukanya Baik and terakhir Hartanya baik" ... hehehe ... sambil ketawa becanda gitu ...

Second Live performance is song "Langit 7 Bidadari" ... continue with MV Clip "Masih" ... yah ... sayang banget, "Masih (Sahabatku, Kekasihku)" gak dinyanyiin live, tapi cuman MV, but it's ok, tetep enak dengernya.

Lanjut interview dari Astrid, kenapa kok album "Heaven of Love" use English as the Title of the Album ... and Donnie answer, that after He and Marshall came in to the group, all the album that they released has used English as the title. Donnie continue, yah, karena di Indonesia, jadi lagu2nya ya pake Indonesia aja, walaupun tampang kita2 ini pada Indo ... Spontan pada ngakak semua gitu .... "Indonesia gitu loh", kata Donnie sambil cengar-cengir ... Donnie, donnie , he is just joking around ... suasananya jadi hidup gitu, krn gak kaku and gak terkesan terlalu resmi gimana.

Third Live Perfomance from ADA band -- "Setengah Hati" .... aaahhh ... you should listen and hear him singing this song ... Dahsyat deh, with the minimal music accompaniment so Donnie's voice sounded Very Heavenly, deep low sexy voice yet soo soothing and very ease to our ears. Plus the way Donnie sing and bring out this song show the audience how he really feel the sadness and the feeling of this person - Such Charisma from this song. BRAVO , Donnie ... you add Full Soul to this specific Song. Bener-bener menggerakkan hati banget.

Turn for Dika, The Bass Man who get interviewed ... Tip supaya ADA band tetep bisa solid - if there is problem, talk it out and don't keep it by yourself.

Fourth performance is "Ouggh" ... I always wonder everytime this song is sang by them ... becoz as far as I can remember I can't find this song in ADA 's 3 latest album ... then I just find the answer ... that this song, is created by Mas Khrisna and Baim from the album "Peradaban 2000 (??)" ... it's from the old album ... and most definitely maybe Baim, the old Vocalist was the one who sing this song at that time ... I don't know, just a wild guest ... but probably since this song is quite popular, so this song is sang again by Donnie as the new vocalist of ADA band ... As usual, this song is not quite familiar in my ears, but since I listen to this song several times already in ADA band's show and concert, so I somewhat get used to it already.

Lanjut dengan MV Clip "Manusia Bodoh" ... Caller from Balipapan ask When ADA band wants to have another concert in Balikpapan .. and plain simple Donnie said, there is no invitation yet to go there now .. "belom ada undangan kesana lagi" ...

Fifth Live performance "Seberkas Kisah Lalu" ...

MV "Yang Terbaik Bagimu" -- duet dengan Gita Gutawa, sekilas mas Khrisna menjelaskan konsep lagu ini adalah rasa cinta dan penghargaan kepada seorang ayah .. yang mana kebetulan 3 dari 4 personel ADA band , ayah mereka sudah meninggal. (termasuk Donnie juga) . Diambil Gita Gutawa, sebagai putri dari Erwin Gutawa -- Suara Gita dinilai cocok dan cukup clasical n polos.

----- to be continued ----

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